I Don’t Need Marketing, I Need Business

Last night one of my new Australian friends “launched” her band at a local club in Perth.  A big group of us went to go support her.  She killed it! 

As I was there I got into a conversation with a couple of young guys starting new businesses – Elliot and Philip.  Philip is starting a mobile app business and Elliot has a catering business.  After some small talk, and after they realized that I’ve been doing Internet Marketing since they were 7 years old, Philip asked the golden question:

“Would you mind if I picked your brain about marketing some time?  I’d really like to understand how to tap into our market a bit better.”

Elliot, on the other hand, had asked a very different question earlier in the evening:

“Do you ever host parties where you need catering services?

Look at the difference.  Philip’s question shows that he’s l0oking at the bigger picture – How do I set up marketing systems to attract lots of clients in the future?  Elliot’s question “might” have gotten him one client last night.  They’re both trying to do the same thing, but they’re taking very different approaches.

Elliot’s comment later was even more indicative of his short-term mindset.  He said:

“I don’t need marketing, I need business!”

Often, the urgent need for business drives us to act in ways that only pay off in the short-term.  But, if you simultaneously focus on longer-term marketing strategy, that’s what will determine if your business will be around in the future.

What’s your current mindset?

Are you focusing on your marketing strategy in a way that will produce customers for months and years to come?

Or are you focused on getting business now and neglecting your future?

Here’s a handy little tip: Just ask yourself if your activities today are helping you bring in masses of customers or individual customers.  The answer to that question should tell you if you’re heading down the right path or not.

About Tyler Garns

Tyler Garns is best known for his work as the Director and VP of Marketing at Infusionsoft, where he led the marketing efforts that produced massive results between 2007 and 2012. But he’s also been the “go-to” Infusionsoft guy for many of the top marketers and Infusionsoft users out there. His combination of technical skill, Infusionsoft expertise, and marketing experience make him one of the most reliable sources of business breakthroughs for Infusionsoft customers.

2 thoughts on “I Don’t Need Marketing, I Need Business”

  1. Nice article! I really like the comparison and it’s amazing how simple wordings or questions can reveal so much about someones mindset. Mindset is everything too!

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